Created: 18 Sep 2015, last update: 30 Jan 2022
Open the Sitecore content editor in the correct language and site
This article explains how you can create links to the Sitecore content Editor with the desired item opens in the appropriate language. Use desktop links or launch path items. Fine for creating editor friendly multi-site solutions.
The default Sitecore content editor start item
The user has a default content language this language is the default for the content editor. The content start item is defined in the web.config in the node: <site name="shell" rootPath="/sitecore/content" contentStartItem="/Home" …./>
Create a Content Editor link with custom start item and language
The default link to the Content Editor in Sitecore 8 is /sitecore/shell/Applications/Content Editor.aspx?sc_bw=1
But you can give more parameters:
- fo: the ID of the start item
- id: ID, opens the parent ID
- vs: the version of the target item.
- la: the language of the target item
- ro: path to root node, ?ro=/sitecore/Templates
- sc_content: the database
See: Load or Reload an Item in the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS and Open content editor on specific item
For example: Opening the original home item (ID = {110D559F-DEA5-42EA-9C1C-8A5DF7E70EF9}) in language de-DE.
Can be done with this link: /sitecore/shell/Applications/Content Editor.aspx?la=de-DE&fo={110D559F-DEA5-42EA-9C1C-8A5DF7E70EF9}
A custom start url for a User
You can also use the url with parameters in the User Profile as a start url instead of the launch pad. Give a user a start url: In the User editor on the profile tab from the user fill in a Start Url:
Adding an application to the Sitecore Launch pad
Adding an applications to the launch pad is easy just at an item below /sitecore/client/Applications/Launchpad/PageSettings/Buttons/ in the core database.
Goto item ContentEditing/ContentEditor
Or use this link :) /sitecore/shell/Applications/Content Editor.aspx?la=en&fo={214F5B9B-7C92-4E3C-9953-44715F97114B}&sc_content=core
Copy the ContentEditor item, Change the Text field in the Appearance Section and add your querystring parameters to the url in the Link Field section Behavior. You can also change the icon if you like.

See: Sitecore 8 Adding application launch pad
Adding an application to the Sitecore Content Editor Application
In the core database below item: /sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Applications/Site nl-NL
You can add a Content Editor Applications, this will show near the media library and workbox menu item in the bottom. On the same way as the Launch pad item you can create here a link to a specified item and language.
See: Sitecore custom content editor
Adding an application to the destop menu
In the core database below item: /sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Applications/Site nl-NL
You can add Content Editor Applications, this will show near the media library and workbox menu item in the bottom. On the same way as the Launch pad item you can create here a link to a specified item and language.

See: Adding an Application Shortcut
Adding an application shortcut to the Destop
The Desktop shortcuts are personal, and stored in the user object (the membership sql table).
The easiest way to get a customized content editor link on the desktop is first create a desktop menu item. Than Drag’n drop the sitecore menu element to the desktop.

You can serialize a user or package a user to export the user settings, but be aware the password of the serialized user is not exported.
See Transferring user passwords between Sitecore instances