Created: 4 Jun 2018, last update: 30 Jan 2022
Language Content Editor Warning version 9
The Language Content Editor Warning Sitecore module give content editor a warning when the are in the wrong language, and also show a one click option to go to a suspected language. Especial handy for multi site Sitecore solutions.
Release 9 contain an optional use language configuration from the Site root Sitecore item, instead of the site config file. In addition, this release is tested with Sitecore Experience Accelerator, SXA and Sitecore JavaScript Services JSS.
- Wrong language warning in content section
- Outside content section overwrite item language version not exist with a one click option to go to English, handy for developers
- Not translated warning, with support for Sitecore Language Fallback

Sitecore Package:
The package only contain 2 files no Sitecore items, so easy to uninstall, delete:
Use with SXA
Open the SXA Site manager, To open go to the Desktop, the SXA Site Manger is Below “PowerShell Toolbox” from the Application Start button.

Open the website you want to configure and add a propertie “altLanguage” in the Other Properties with the languages you want, exclude the language configured in the Language Field, the Default Language.

I think Language configuration and this warning should be OOTB in the Sitecore SXA, like it vote on: know the intent languages can also help for SEO meta data and sitemap.xml and language switches and things like that.
Use the new root item config.
Create a field call "Languages" in the site root Item, Type Multilist, Source /sitecore/system/Languages, Shared.

For more info about the configuration and the Source code see:
Language Content Editor Warning version 8.1
Sitecore content editor wrong language warning